Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why I Wake Up

Is it sad that the taste of coffee lures me to rise from my bed?  Days where I don't have to get up early...I peek one eye open and look at the clock... 

and then begins my internal debate.... Should I "force" myself to go back to sleep for another hour?  Should I rise and get coffee cuz the taste is so smooth warm and yummy?  Quick - I Should get it now before the coffee maker gets turned off & I have to drink reheated microwave coffee (Never, ever as good, even if it is just a 20 second nuke).

OR if I'm up early for work, let me paint you a different scenerio: 

Days where my alarm clock goes off by 6:15 am. and I think "Oh my gosh - why didn't I go to bed earlier last night?  Ugh!" or "Oh my gosh, what a long day..." as I pray to God to give my body & mind the strength to pull it off... and THEN ................ I get semi excited.  Oh!  Coffee!  Yay!!!  Warmth, comfort, goodness.

I kid you not.  Other coffee drinkers HAVE to know what I mean?  It's like our cool club, where the tea-drinkers or non-caffiene luvahs say "Ew I don't drink coffee... I don't want to be addicted... yada yada yada."  But let me tell you, that one/two cups in the morning is just... one of my favorite parts of the day!
I look forward to going to sleep sometimes and waking up for that nice morning drink.  


There are exceptions.

Coffee in the hot hot summer (mornings included) is not always the yummiest.  Sometimes it just makes my body overheat and I feel sick.  Drink goes down the drain.

Othertimes whenever I feel nauseous, that is something that will send me over the edge: I despise it.  Crazy right?

Andddd other times (afternoon and evening coffee), just... Isn't. as. good.  I don't know why.  I'm really only a true morning drinker.  

I am also PICKY about the coffee mugs I like.

The big, heavy mugs are my favorite.  It makes the coffee taste better.  The skinny light mugs?  No thanks.  There is one I drink everytime I'm home.  It's actually an Edible Arranagements mug, probably filled with some sort of fruit at one time or another, yet it is the heaviest cozyiest mug around.  My mom and I battle over it (of course we won't admit it!) ;-) but we both love it.

the last question you may wonder... what do I PUT in my coffee?
Well, I used to be a milk n sugar gal.
Then I went through a Coffee mate Fat Free French Vanilla phase.
Now, I love TRUVIA and a packet of Diet Hot Chocolate mixed in with a lil bit of water.
I know, the combination sounds odd, but trust me - coffee+hot choc = smooth extreme goodness.
And for right now - I wouldn't want it any other way....

Thank you God for coffee.
Now, I'm off to sip mine from my fine yellow mug.
Enjoy your day!

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