It's been awhile. I figure I'd skip the apologies and just skip to giving you the low-down.
1. I moved to Seattle.
Or maybe Seattle just moved to me. It. is. always. raining.
Or so it seems.
Either way, this is really putting a damper on extending my runner's tan until October or November.
2. I deactivated my Facebook account (gasp!)
Yep, it's true. I got sick of being so involved in other people's lives, seeing their updates every 2.2 seconds from my iphone (gotta love-hate it) and allowing others to have a false sense of knowing me. Not to sound all high-&-mighty, but Facebook is a bit of a sham. Again, I'm not a hata, I just don't want it right now. It's been two whole weeks and I have yet to go through withdrawal. I actually like having it out of my life. I think that's a good sign, don't you?
3. I gave up Facebook but added another trashy time-sucker into my life. I am currently watching (for the first time) The Real Housewives. I have a new obsession with this and have made my way to the end of Season 2 of New York City. I will watch it through and then perhaps continue on to the other cities. Oh boy. My fav housewife is by far Bethenny. Not only is she funny but she tells it how it is.
4. I'm writing a book. I know it sounds silly...but I have all these ideas floating around in my head regarding health, fitness, and nutrition. Mind-Body stuff for sure. I have also worked full time in the fitness & nutrition scene for over a year now and I have maaaany stories/case studies/and experiences that are helping mold my new "stand" on things. Also I am nearly done with my first year at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Buy my book when it comes out! ;-)
5. I've been running lots more lately. Finally got my mojo back... AKA: My ankle is doing better! Thank you Lord!!!! Last week I ran the longest I've run in almost 2 years: 15 MILES. It was not easy because I had a horrible stomach ache & allergies... no coffee... early wake up... just. not. great. BUT my body handled it just fine and I suffered no soreness the next day! Yipppee!
6. I'm vey content with where I am right now in my life despite things not being how I thought they'd be. This has been huge! I am content being single and enjoying all the relationships I'm invested in. My heart feels like it is getting healthy and opening up to possibilities though I am not in a rush nor will I settle!
7. My vision got a bit worse and I got new contacts and am waiting on my new glasses. I'm excited to get them cuz they're pretty fashionable. ;-) Thanks Walmart!
8. I've sort of given up weight training. Yep, I'm in running-mode now that my ankle has been A-OKAY and it is what I really love to do. I have given up on weight training and to be honest, it was making me pretty bulky. I am currently trying to go back to how I feel most comfortable with my body.
9. I'm no longer a blonde! Yep, I went back to my ROOTS! I'm dark haired. After 2 years of being super light, the change was a radical and huge one... but I like it!
1. I still don't own an iPad. (and still lusting).
2. Peppermint mocha lattes are back in my life since last season. Yep, still addicted and need to pace myself with how many I will allow myself to buy.
3. I am still a personal trainer and group exercise instructor. and I still need more full time hours.
4. The remnants of gum from when I spit it out the window and it got stuck on my car is still there. It's been two months. Ew.
5. I'm still not sure how to blog.
Hope you enjoyed the update! :-) What's new with you!?!?!?
Have you watched The Real Housewives??? Or are you hooked on another reality show? If you've watched NYC, who is your favs?
Bethenny! Currently I don't like Kelly (she is a liar!) nor am I a huge fan of Luann.
5 Things that have changed since you last read???
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